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Motivational Quotes For Virtual Learning

Motivational Quotes For Virtual Learning

So when putting together my favorite quotes about eLearning, it wasn’t just looking within the industry (although I did start with that)…

Below are my favorite eLearning quotes from both the interviews and expert roundup posts I’ve done over the past 11 years about eLearning development and design.


If you want people to have fun–give them the day off. If you want them to learn… engage them with the content.

Quotes On Online Education

Training & education has been around a lot learning than the eLearning industry. So there is a lot to learn from these experts. And some amazing quotes. Here are my 10 favorite.

If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn’t need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around.

A large part of eLearning is design… graphic design, UX, and more. Here are the 10 design quotes that I thought most related to eLearning.

Face To Face Quotes

ELearning is also about communicating a message to an audience. So quotes about presentations, speaking, and writing are all relevant. Here are my 10 favorites.

If you want me to speak for an hour, I’m ready now. If you want me to speak for 10 minutes, I’ll need two weeks to prepare.

There are always three speeches, for every one you actually give. The one you practice, the one you give, and the one you wish you gave.

Th Grade Quarantine Graduation Journal

Designing a presentation without an audience in mind is like writing a love letter and addressing it: To Whom It May Concern.

We’ve been learning through stories since the beginning of mankind. In eLearning, it can be stories wrapped around your courses, or stories shared from SMEs or leaders. Here are my favorite storytelling quotes.

If you want to learn about a culture, listen to the stories. If you want to change a culture, change the stories.

Powerful Learning English Quotes

Tell me the facts and I’ll learn. Tell me the truth and I’ll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever.You might be looking for extra motivation or some real-life case studies to help others believe in online training. No matter the reason, these eLearning quotes will help you understand how important and beneficial online learning can be for any organization.

There are three main categories. Quotes from people who work in the online training industry, opinions from people who have tried and enjoyed the benefits that come with it, and eLearning quotes by pioneers in eLearning whose work will remain admirable for many years to come.


We reached out to eLearning experts to provide us with their take on online training. These eLearning quotes zoom in on the benefits of online training, especially for companies who want to equip their teams with skills to do their job better. Here it goes:

Encouraging Words About Virtual Learning

“To unlock the true potential of e-learning to train successful employees, it needs to be people-centered. It has to be rooted in the day-to-day lives of people within an organization who are learning and growing as individuals, while also supporting them and making them feel valued. How do you get there? It starts with six fundamental pillars; be personal, respect time, meet clear goals, measure the impact, make it widely available, and deliver ROI. This is the most effective way to onboard new employees and to create enthusiastic learners in the workplace. It’s people first and everything else second.”

“Learning and Development teams are in the business of changing lives! eLearning allows you to do that in a scalable and measurable way. Whether you’re a small association or large enterprise, eLearning videos allow you to deliver the perfect training and story that resonates with your audience anywhere in the world or anytime they need access. Microlearning animation, as a visual as well as a sonic medium, is capable of embodying different emotions that empower and entice learners.”

“I was observing a classroom course to convert it to eLearning. Afterward, the instructor challenged me. Her words were polite, but her tone said, ‘How can your measly eLearning possibly recreate all the fabulousness of my classroom experience?’ I explained we could convert one of her activities so learners could type their thoughts about a personal experience. She perked up. ‘Oh, you mean they can type in answers?’ The moral of the story? It’s hard to get excited about eLearning if you’ve only ever experienced bad eLearning. Get out there and find the best examples of what’s possible.”

Powerful Study Motivation Quotes For Exam Success

“The biggest benefit of eLearning is the utter lack of pressure. Because you get to set your own schedule and study only when you have time, eLearning makes learning not something you have to get over with, but something you look forward to! From experience, you learn more when you enjoy the process.”

“The reason why online learning is useful is that everyone learns in their unique way, at their own pace. People can be inconvenienced by attending a workshop and may get intimated by more extroverted participants. However, with online learning, employees can go through topics and soak in information at their speed. Elearning also allows taking the end of course assessments, which keeps participants alert. Some employees may even take more notes in an online setting than in-person, thus better retaining the information.”


“Online learning provides fantastic flexibility, among other benefits, and aids in making the task of arranging development opportunities far easier. In addition, the ability for users to have access to content when needed provides the just in time element that is so critical to corporate job applicability. Adult learners want learning to be specific to their job, quick and have merit, and using an online platform allows users to learn at their own pace and use when needed. It is a win for all.”

Team Motivational Quotes For Collaboration [2023] • Asana

“Virtual instructor-led training (VILT) has incredible potential to connect people and create meaningful and immediately applicable learning. The trick is that it needs to be done well, and with a focus on the participant experience. My mantra for successful and effective experiences is to ask myself this every time I design and deliver: What did I just say or do that I could have let the participants say or do? Keeping the focus on them makes all the difference.”

“I can say from a decade of experience teaching online that great eLearning simply feels like great learning. That is, pedagogically speaking, if you’re successful in delivering eLearning, the learner won’t even be (nor should they feel the need to be) focused on the “e” part, they’ll just be focused on how awesome the “Learning” part is.”

“Online learning empowers your employees to train with full autonomy and flexibility. It taps into the fundamentals of intrinsic motivation and allows each individual employee to control their own learning journey.”

Entrepreneur Quotes For Inspiration From Business Owners

“Online learning opens up opportunities for employees who are often otherwise limited. Consider staff who are physically challenged (i.e.in a wheelchair), staff who are economically disadvantaged and would struggle to afford travel costs, or a staff member who works remotely and misses out otherwise on classroom training. Online training is really something that potentially helps to level the playing field and is creating better learning opportunities.”

Experts know what they’re talking about, due to their extensive experience and actionable advice. But what about first-timers? What do people who are not trained in online learning have to say? Keep reading for eLearning quotes provided by those with first-hand experience.


“Online learning has given me the ability to have the best of both worlds (working full-time and going to college full-time) on my own schedule, and I can’t say enough good things about the program. I feel it has given me a lot of preparation for telehealth work, whereas I don’t feel the “in-person” would have given us quite the same experience.”

Motivational Quotes For E Learning [2024]

“Online learning provides a standardized training platform that impacts consistency. Not only does eLearning offer flexibility for your employees to suit their schedules, but it helps everyone save time. Your employees receive the info they need, with key resources accessible at any time on the device of their choosing. By having a single learning platform, you can focus on providing the highest-quality education that will convert to consistent, quality output.”

“Online learning is the most convenient way to provide continuing education and professional self-improvement. Its value lies in the fact that it’s broader and more personally beneficial than company training. Providing your employees access to quality eLearning classes will re-energize them and provide a sense of growth. It will renew their ambitions to achieve more, and help them pivot their careers. My experience shows that employees who have had an opportunity to attend online learning events feel more satisfied, curious, initiative-taking, and productive in their daily tasks.”

“With eLearning, there is no constraint of having to attend training sessions at fixed times. For a distributed team like ours, with people in different time zones, it is difficult to choose one fixed time. Rather we have an online learning setup, which allows people to attend the training at their own time and volition.”

Virtual Reality Quotes

Train your team, no matter where in the world they are. Train with , the online training platform that users consistently rank

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